The International Bridges Project
is committed to the belief that New York City students, teachers, parents, community based organizations and Municipal Government leaders are in motion and ready to cooperatively address the local to global issues of peace, sustainability, equity, interdependence, diversity, citizenship and responsibility. The Projectís vision for the future is framed within the United Nationsí Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Project is committed to establishing New York City as a
City at Peace, where all people are guaranteed decent housing in safe and
respectful neighborhoods, equal and fair application and access to government
and law, jobs that pay enough to finance workerís lives, quality healthcare,
accessible and quality educational opportunity, healthy food and nutrition,
and accessible inexpensive culture. We believe that these guarantees are possible
in our lifetime, through the redesign of economic and political systems.
The International Bridges Project, now in its 3rd year, began with 5
New York City High Schools extending school curricula and student experience
internationally through United Nations and human rights related activities.
Through a variety of human rights-based activities, more than 50 New York City
high schools and programs work with local, national and international schools
and community-based organizations toward this vision.
Project partners include: