Crystal Decisions - Crystal Reports. Report creation and integration. Transform almost any data into powerful, interactive content. Integrate reporting into .NET, Java and COM applications.
( Added: 2003-01-26, Hits: 2 )
Database Normalization Basics - Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminate redundant data (for example, storing the same data in more than one table) and ensure data dependencies make sense.
( Added: 2003-03-05, Hits: 2 )
dBforums.com - Database design, development, administration. Ask questions.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
DBMS/COPY - Transfer data between software packages. Directly reads and writes the native binary files for over 80 packages (Database, Spreadsheet, ASCII, Statistics).
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
Designing a Database -- Understanding Relational Design - Shows you how to plan and design a database from the ground up.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
Info Select by MicroLogic - Info Select is a Personal Information Manager that organizes Internet data, notes, to-do's, schedules, contacts, addresses, forms, ideas, and much more. Manage your random information.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
Oracle Corporation - Relational database that supports SQL.
( Added: 2003-02-21, Hits: 1 )
Stat/Transfer - Move Data Between Worksheets, Databases and Statistical Packages.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
To Use or Not to Use a Database? That is the Question. - Database and SQL tutorial. So, should you use a database for your website? Why not? Everyone else is. It's easy to become an information junky.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )