Computer Virus Myths - Learn about the myths, the hoaxes, the urban legends, and the implications of computer virus myths. You can also see a list of virus hoaxes from A to Z.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
F-Secure Hoax Warnings Pages - Hoax warnings are typically scare alerts started by malicious people - and passed on by innocent users who think they are helping the community by spreading the warning.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
HoaxBusters: CIAC: Internet Hoax and Chain Letter pages - You can help eliminate ""junk mail"" by educating the public on how to identify a new hoax warning, how to identify a valid warning and what to do if you think a message is a hoax.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
Snopes.com - Urban Legends Reference Pages.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
Symantec Anti-virus Research Center (SARC) - Hoaxes - Although there are thousands of viruses discovered each year, there are still some that only exist in the imaginations of the public and the press. This is the comprehensive list of viruses that DO NOT EXIST, despite rumor of their creation and distributi
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
Trend Micro Hoax Encyclopedia - These warnings often describe fantastical or impossible virus or Trojan program characteristics, but appear to be real. Forwarding these hoax warnings to friends and co-workers only perpetuates the problem.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
Urban Legends and Folklore - Folklore, Netlore, Urban Legends, Hoaxes.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )