AdBusters Media Foundation - A global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.
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Caribbean Cultural Center - Continues to document, promulgate and promote the global impact of African cultures through its programming that includes: concerts, exhibitions, lectures, cultural arts in education school programs, international festivals and conferences.
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City Harvest - City Harvest has distributed more than 85 million pounds of food to a network of more than 700 emergency food programs throughout New York City.
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Democracy Now - A national news show committed to bringing the voices of the marginalized to the airwaves on issues ranging from the global to the local.
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Doctors Without Borders/MTdecins Sans FrontiFres (MSF) - Delivers emergency aid to victims of armed conflict, epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters, and to others who lack health care due to social or geographical isolation.
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Drug Policy Alliance - Working to broaden the public debate on drug policy and to promote realistic alternatives to the war on drugs based on science, compassion, public health and human rights.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Dynamist.com - An online companion to the book, The Future and Its Enemies by Virginia Postrel.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Expert Witness Radio - As a DEA agent for 25 years, Mike Levine has unique insight into the world of law enforcement in America.
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Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting - FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.
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Independent Media Center - Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights - Supports human rights activists who fight for basic freedoms and peaceful change; protect refugees in flight from persecution and repression; promote fair economic practices by creating safeguards for workers' rights; and justice and accountability...
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Meetup - A local gathering of a group of people brought together by a common interest. Over coffee, etc.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) - As the nation's resource center for child protection, NCMEC spearheads national efforts to locate and recover missing children and raises public awareness about ways to prevent child abduction, molestation, and sexual exploitation.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Nationwide Domestic Violence Hotline - A 24-hour service offering crisis intervention assistance to those in need. The voice number is 1-800-799-SAFE, and the TDD number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-787-3224.
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Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) - The NACA's mission is to set a new national standard on providing loans to low and moderate income people and those who are considered to be subprime borrowers.
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Nonviolence Web - Source for news and commentary on peace and nonviolence.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Not in Our Name - ""We are people of conscience who cannot stand silent as our government wages war without limits of time and space. We cannot stand silent as immigrants are rounded up and detained. We cannot stand silent in the face of new police state restrictions."","h
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI) - NPRI's mission is to produce massive, effective, ongoing public education campaigns in major U.S. media about the often-underestimated dangers of nuclear weapons and power programs and policies.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Our Time Press - ""The local paper with the global view."" From the village of Brooklyn.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Pacifica Radio - Pacifica Radio is the nation's first listener-supported, community-based radio network: KPFA Berkeley (94.1), KPFK Los Angeles (90.7), WBAI New York (99.5), KPFT Houston (90.1), WPFW Washington, D.C. (89.3) and nearly 60 affiliates in 27 states.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Public Citizen - Protecting Health, Safety, & Democracy.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
Twenty-First Century Foundation - A national foundation and public charity that makes grants to support African American community revitalization, education and leadership development.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
War Times - War Times is being produced to help broaden and deepen the fight against the Bush program by compiling information and analysis, and putting them into the hands of large numbers of readers.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,
WBAI 99.5 FM - Pacifica, community radio in New York. Listen via Web.
( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 0,