"The Cyber-Knights Templar is a group participating in the RC5-64
challenge, through distributed.net. The goal of the project is to show the
relative weakness of the U.S. government's DES (digital encryption standard)
which currently sits at 56-bits." http://members.tripod.com/cyberkt
Fortunately, an arsenal of software, tricks, and tools are available to
zap spam before it ever gets to your mailbox. Our Protect Yourself section
introduces you to the first line of defense, filtering software. Quick and
Easy Tricks tells how to stay off junk e-mail lists, how to reply to spam
messages, and more. http://www.zdnet.com/zdhelp/howto_help/spam/spam1.html
TransUnion LLC's Name Removal OptionInclude the following information with your request:
P.O. Box 97328
Jackson, MS 39288-7328
First, middle, and last names (including Jr., Sr., III)Contacting the Direct Marketing Association If you opt out, you will no longer appear on direct marketing lists offered by these four credit reporting agencies. However, you may continue to receive commercial mailings based on lists from other sources.
Current address
Previous address (if you've moved in the last six months)
Social Security number
Date of birth
Direct Marketing AssociationInclude the following information with your request:
Mail Preference Service
P.O. Box 9008
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Direct Marketing Association
Telephone Preference Service
P.O. Box 9014
Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014
Myth #1: "I'm not on a network, so my PC is safe."http://www.winmag.com/columns/explorer/2000/04.htm
Myth #2: "I just use Dial-Up connections, so my PC is safe."
Myth #3: "I use an anti-virus app, so my PC is safe."
Myth #4: "I use a firewall, so my PC is safe."
Details are sketchy, but Magic Lantern reportedly works by masquerading as an innocent e-mail attachment that will insert FBI spyware inside your computer.
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