Source: http://www.msnbc.com/news/126173.asp (Gloria Schaaf, president of Organization Works and a professional organizer)
If you find you are buried in unwanted mail, Schaaf suggests requesting only one catalog from mail order companies. To delete your name from any catalog lists you dont want to receive, she recommends following these steps:
Dear Customer Service:
Please have my name and address deleted from your mailing lists as soon as possible. Do not sell my name or address to any third parties. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. Attached below is the label/s from your most recent mailing.
Thank you.
To cut down on unsolicited mail advertisements, you can also send a letter to the Mail Preference Service, requesting they delete you from national advertising lists. They will send a quarterly notice to a wide range of these lists. Be sure to list all the variations of your name and other household members in the letter. The process will take a few months. Write to:
Mail Preference Service
c/o DMA
P.O. Box 9008
Farmingdale, New York 11735
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