Welcome to our odds and ends page! As unusual and special situations come to our attention, we will list them here. The COLLEGE listings will often list programs that we feel you might never otherwise hear about. The CONTEST listings will be unique experience-based situations or scholarships. Share with us any programs that you feel should be cited.
09/06/01 : STUDY MEDICINE in Cuba for FREE ! Up to 500 low-income Americans can be guests of the Cuban Government to attend medical school and become medical doctors. This program is supported by the Congressional Black Caucus led by NYC's Reps. Serrano (BRONX) and Rangel (MANHATTAN). It is everyone's hope that the graduates would return home and work in this country's impoverished areas.
Age req. 18-25
Contact : Mr.Fernando G. Biels, First Secretary of the Cuban Interest Section, 2630 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009. (202)797-8518 x-109. e-Mail [email protected]
OR this website
OR CONTACT US at Teen Talk. West Side HS graduate Khalil Marshall is enrolled there (he makes us very proud).
09/09/01 : SCENARIOS USA - "What's The Real Deal" CONTEST. Planned Parenthood is inviting young people to submit a script, an illustration, a song or script to create a short movie.The winners will get their movies made by real producers, directors and actors. The scenarios should be about how teens deal with issues of sexuality...relationships, pregnancy prevention, HIV and sexual preference. CALL (646) 230-7677 or visit OR contact us at TEEN TALK. Age req. 12-21. (Deadline 12/15/01 )