We decided to do a show on the difficulties that poor people run into when they are looking for education, jobs and homes. Most of us are immigrants so that seems to make it even more difficult. Our show,"How our government spends the money...can we do a better job"? aired on WNYE on Thursday, April 25th. Our guests were David Weinberg from NYPIRG (NYPIRG is active in combating sweatshops and exploitation of immigrant labor) and Rosamaria Delatorre from the HUDSON GUILD (a program that counsels people that are homeless and fights for tenants' rights). We were pleased by the number of people that called in and supported the show. Our thanks to our guests and our teachers. |
Urban Strategies students with Ms.Edwards and Ms. Guzman |
WHO WE ARE... LISA_C. : I'm living in Brooklyn but I was born and raised in Grenada. I Love listening to music. I also love to play cricket and football (soccer). My goal for the future is to become a nurse. TOYA L. : I'm from Jamaica in the West Indies. My favorite pastime is playing tennis. Someday I will become a successful nurse. MIKA : I'm from the Queens. I like to play volleyball and tennis. I also like to read...Stephen King's horror stories are my favorites. I would like to become a MSW or a lawyer. CoCoBoy : I live in Brooklyn but I was born and raised in St.Lucia. I enjoy playing cricket and football.I want to be a footballer. |
SHANNELL_M : I currently live in Brooklyn but I was born and raised in Grenada. I attended St. Joseph's Convent in Grenville. I enjoy playing cricket, watching TV and talking with my friends. My goal is to be a registered nurse. "EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS." EBO : I'm from Brooklyn - the 90s. I want to become either a successful business woman or a nurse practitioner. DIMPLES : I'm from Brooklyn - the 90s. I love singing and dancing. I hope to become a singer someday. | |