Earn Your Degree Online - University of Phoenix Online is the Nations Largest Accredited University.Complete 100% of your education via the internet.Classes are offered one at a time so you can focus on each subject. Call 1-800-618-6793 Ext.1761 to see how easy it is. URL: http://www.uoponline.com/nyd
Education Update - Education news today for a better tomorrow. URL: http://EducationUpdate.com/
ERIC Clearinghouse - (ERIC/ACVE) ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education.
Comprehensive Information Services in Adult and Continuing Education, Career Education
Vocational and Technical Education, Employment and Training URL: http://ericacve.org/
Mr. Beller's Neighborhood - Publishes reportage, personal essays, photo essays-- any piece of writing that might illuminate a corner of life in the New York City. URL: http://www.mrbellersneighborhood.com/
New Century Education Corp. - Provides computer-assisted learning programs for students of all ages. URL: http://www.ncecorp.com/
New York State Education Department - The State Education Department is responsible for general supervision of all educational institutions in the State, for operating certain educational and cultural institutions, and for certifying teachers and certifying or licensing practitioners. URL: http://www.nysed.gov/
Society for Applied Learning Technology - SALT is oriented to professionals whose work requires knowledge and communication in the field of instructional technology. URL: http://salt.org/
Thirteen Ed Online - Adult Ed - Adult literacy and GED resources and services for educators and students. URL: http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/adulted/
TV411 - For fans of TV411, the television series for adults who want to strengthen their literacy skills, there's now TV411 the Web site. URL: http://www.tv411.org/
U.S. Department of Education - U.S. Department of Education URL: http://www.ed.gov/