[ProgressiveEd] Draft of Letter Re: Waivers
[email protected]
[email protected]
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 08:30:35 EST
PENNY, public statement on Waivers:
The April 1 deadline for announcements of which schools have been granted
waivers has come and gone. It's no surprise that we haven't heard anything
from the Department of Education yet. In fact, it's heartening. Hopefully,
it's a sign that the Department is basing its decisions about curriculum on
more than a quick look at test scores.
PENNY is a coalition of small, progressive, successful public schools in New
York. Most of our schools applied for waivers, even though we do not agree
with the policy of imposing curriculum on schools (or on students).
Curriculum development is a process that works when it involves knowledgeable
teachers working closely with students. When teachers don't know their
students, or when the curriculum is imposed, students and teachers become
robots who "covering the material". Our schools embrace a different model
for developing curriculum. We look at each student's needs and interests.
Teachers develop materials that will engage each student. There is activity,
discussion, reflection, learning.
PENNY wholeheartedly endorses Mr. Klein's efforts to create quality schools
throughout New York City. Although these efforts are heroic, we believe they
miss the mark. Improving our schools must start by building on the current
successes. Schools that do intensive in-school staff development are
successful. They focus on ways to help each teacher learn how to support
students' learning. They deal with the development of curriculum, classroom
management, assessment, creating learning relationships with students, and
communicating with parents. Teachers need supportive communities in which to
develop. They need clarifying discussions, not mandates. They need to
express their ways of seeing their students and their understanding of
curriculum. There has to be an exchange of ideas.
Artificial curriculum mandates, in the hopes that people will be "on the same
page" as a result, close down the very open discussion out of which ideas can
flourish. Mr. Klein has acknowledged the importance of teacher initiative in
his public statements that "it's not about curriculum; it's about the
relationship between the teacher and the student." Yes, PENNY schools want
our waivers because they will say publicly we continue to develop rich
curriculum for our students. More than that, we want to work within the DOE
to create real staff development based on real discussions about teaching and
learning. Thank you.