[ProgressiveEd] Meeting with Joel Klein and Michele Cahill
Jane Bedell
[email protected]
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 10:13:37 -0400
Thanks so much for helping to make all of this happen. And more thanks for
getting this report out quickly. Let the discussions continue!!!
--On Friday, April 11, 2003 9:23 AM -0400 [email protected] wrote:
> Dear folks,
> Congratulations to the PENNY delegation that met with Joel Klein and
> Michele Cahill yesterday. You would have been proud of us. People were
> clear, passionate, and informed. We didn't get to ask all of our
> questions, but we saw this as a first meeting. Mr. Klein asked that we
> meet with him on a monthly basis. He said that these meetings are
> extremely helpful to him.
> Here are some of the things we talked about: CHOICE: Parents talked
> about the reasons why they chose our schools and about the children's
> love of learning as a result of the way they're taught in our schools.
> They explained how our schools look at their children as complete
> people. One parent explained that she had attended a private school, as
> a child, but was constantly sick because she couldn't stand going to
> school. Her mother saw this and switched her to one of our schools.
> She thrived. The same experience happened with her own children. Joel
> Klein was clearly moved. We talked about the diversity of our schools,
> our intake processes, and the effects of the No Child Left Behind
> legislation. We talked about the accessibility to parents of staffs and
> administrations of our schools. And we pointed out that many of our
> parents chose our schools precisely because they reject having their
> children measured by test scores. Other areas: We talked about needing
> passionate, committed teachers and how you develop a sense of community
> within a school. We talked about the importance of being allowed to
> build curriculum, which enables staffs to work together to discuss and
> develop curriculum. In this way, our schools exceed the standards. One
> delegate member showed her own portfolio she did as part of the staff
> development work her school does for each staff member. Ms. Cahill and
> Mr. Klein were clearly impressed. A student spoke about the way her
> school community brought her in and encouraged her to participate, even
> as it helped her to learn English. She talked about the studies she's
> been engaged with at her school. Again, very impressive. We talked
> about ways our schools assess learning in the service of the child. We
> talked about the broad lens through which our schools look at each child.
> Mr. Klein listened first and then spoke. He asked that we set up monthly
> meetings with him ("regardless of whether or not we agree", he said that
> the meetings would be important to him). He said that his job was
> twofold: to preserve the many wonderful things that are happening in
> New York schools and to deal with the need for change in schools that
> are obviously not functioning well. He said that the No Child Left
> Behind legislation has to be dealt with. (He acknowledged that it was
> serious threat to our schools and to other schools in New York.) He
> said that this legislation has a lot of force and raises an equity
> issue: Parents needs help to get their children out of terrible
> situations. Mr. Klein said that parents' requests for transfers had to
> be handled centrally. He said that test scores aren't the be all and
> end all, but a lot of children are not learning to read. He talked
> about looking at test scores longitudinally as one way to deal with the
> fluctuations in scores. He said that the core curriculum they selected
> was flexible and progressive (in fact, he said, they'd caught a lot of
> heat for this). He said that his focus was to work with principals and
> school by school coaches to do staff development better. He said that,
> over time, his goal was to make schools autonomous. Then, he said that
> he was less concerned that his "reforms" would disable us than he was
> that not reforming the system would allow nonfunctioning schools to
> continue to hurt children. He said that he knew we were strong and that
> we would find a way to do what we wanted to do anyway. Mr. Klein said
> that he saw in the schools that he visited that we do wonderful work,
> but he said that he also saw room for improvement.
> Our message to Mr. Klein and Ms. Cahill was that we're not asking for
> exceptionalism for our schools. We want to be able to continue to do the
> work we've been doing, not at the expense of any other schools. We think
> that we can be of help in spreading our approach to staff development
> work and in other areas. Certainly, all of our schools think long and
> hard about ways to build our own understandings of children and
> curriculum and about meaningful parent involvement. Mr. Klein responded
> very positively to the suggestion that we do a five-year study, using
> quantitative data (test scores) and qualitative data (a descriptive
> assessment). We need to talk about specifics with him.
> Steering Committee meeting this Monday, April 14, at 6 P.M. at Ann
> Wiener's house, 310 Riverside Drive, apt. 1007.
> The meeting with Mr. Klein and Ms. Cahill was a good start. We didn't
> ask many of the questions we needed to ask. Please send your questions
> (things you need to know about) back on the listserv. These will help
> to guide any further conversations. Let me start us off with two
> questions that need follow up.
> 1. What is the specific procedure for our academies and programs
> becoming schools?
> 2. Where will the staff developers come from? What kinds of direction
> will they get and from whom?
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