Island Residential Community Center accommodates twenty-five female
residents between the ages of 13 and 17, inclusively. In addition,
the facility includes a satellite group home for pregnant girls,
who attend our educational program until their babies are born.
This increases our population to a total of up to 32 residents.
The facility is non-secure and is part of the NYS Offices of Children
and Family Services. Our residents are remanded by court order.
The average duration of time a resident spends at our facility
is four to six months of their placement period. The degree of
academic preparation of our residents varies from remedial to
the advanced. The education program follows state curriculum guidelines
and the appropriate state-mandated tests. It incorporates the
Regents, GED, and Career Education sequences. Residents get a
minimum of 180 minutes per week of instruction in core courses,
such as, Math, English, Science, and Social Studies. Our program
also includes Special Education Consultant Teacher services and
counseling services.
We developed a successful Collaborative Teaching environment that
has been recognized by the State as a model program. The key to
the success of this model program has been the willingness, on
the part of both teachers, to share classroom and planning time.
Detailed lessons are created during preparatory periods, lunch,
etc. We have built a structured daily routine that alleviates
most classroom behavior issues. Students know what to expect and
quickly learn that there are no hidden agendas in our classroom.
Respect for “Learning Differences” is our
philosophy. By planning carefully designed lessons, and projects,
we are able to accommodate our students’ needs and reduce
classroom anxiety. Included in our program is the VTEA
Culinary Arts after school program.