The year 2000/2001 has been very exciting at East New York Family Academy getting into the Information Technology program by the way of Cisco academy. However, to educate our students better in the internet age, we need to bring in other technology programs in order to generate a sound understanding of how the system works. We have therefore decided to dedicate the Summer 2001 to PC repair and modular assembly program, which will teach our students to troubleshoot, repair and build PCs from scratch, This program will also include introduction to both Computer Networking and DataBase development. In August of 2001, we will then have the full-fledged technology program, with the following structure:
Repair/Itro-Networking/Intro-Oracle |
Networking Basics Cisco Academy Semester 1&2 |
Data Base Dev./SQL Oracle Academy Semester 1&2 |
Router Configuration |
Java Programming |
Cisco Academy |
Oracle Academy |
Semester 3&4 |
Semester 3&4 |