WORKSHEET Events, climax, motive and
ways to build suspense.
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Begin your story by constructing an outline. The best way to do that is by brainstorming ideas for the elements below. For tips on brainstorming, click on this word. Finally, the best way to truly agree is by building consensus. That way everyone feels respected and the best ideas emerge. Review the consensus guide sheet by clicking on the link. |
1. Title of Scene
2. Setting:
(Time and place.)
3. Point of
View: (Who is telling the story: 1st or 3rd
3. Characters:
(Names of major and minor characters. Also give
brief identifying information. This will help reveal everyone's
motives.) For example:
Peter Baxter: brother of victim, witness to the crime, 35 years old, wants to become rich and powerful. He will do anything to become this.
4. Conflict:
(Write this to show both opposing sides). For
Peter Baxter's desire for wealth and power vs. Susan Baxter's intention to marry a poor immigrant worker from Mexico
5. Plot:
(Tell the most important events of the group plot
6. Foreshadowing:
(List the clues - objects, information,
statements, symbols used by the author, hints about
7. Motive:
(The reason, purpose, motivation, the secret self
that leads a character to pursue their goal: revenge, jealousy, lust,
greed, fear, love, duty, survival...)
8. Climax: (The
highest point at which the conflict is solved and/or the secret is
revealed. After this, loose ends are tied up in the