These steps should help you to make your points more effectively. a) Show your group's homepage and point out all the links. Explain how your story was developed. b) Have each group member show their own page and summarize their page. Also, each group member should use the questions below as prompts for evaluation of the project: 1. Has this project helped you to develop your skills in technology? If so, in what ways? 2. What do you think you learned from this project? 3. Why do you think schools/college want students to know about the uses of technology for learning? What connections, if any, do you see? 4. How does an imaginative writing project increase your ability to think and understand? What are your feelings about brainstorming ideas and working them through along with others? 5. How do you feel about the movie Casablanca? Was it a good way to tie in the themes of love, betrayal and redemption? Is it an appropriate way to spend time in a classroom?
Here are some questions you can use as prompts to vary your presentations and make them more interesting to your audience. a) Show your essay and comments on Speakeasy. If you like you can read one paragraph of your essay or a part of one of your comments to someone else. b) Discuss one or more of the questions below. 1. Has this project helped you to develop your essay writing skills more? If so, in what ways? 2. What do you think you learned from this project? 3. Why do you think schools/college want students to write essays? How does it help our thinking? 4. What are your thoughts about the critical lens quote given in this project? Do you think it is true and wise? Is it worth remembering? 5. How do you feel about the movie Casablanca? Was it a good way to tie in the themes of love, betrayal and redemption? Is it an appropriate way to spend time in a classroom?