THE TRIAL OF... The Ghost of Old King Hamlet and Prince Hamlet VS. Queen Gertrude and King Claudius ...a classroom drama... Are King Claudius and Queen Gertrude guilty of BETRAYAL? The jury will decide based on the evidence presented in this courtroom. The courtroom players are:
SCRIPT (Bailiff has courtroom rise when judge enters) Judge: You may be seated. We are here today to hear the testimony of the defense and prosecution. The prosecution represents the Ghost of old King Hamlet and Prince Hamlet who are accusing King Claudius and Queen Gertrude of the crime of BETRAYAL. Judge: I now call upon the prosecution to make your opening statements. (They make their statements.) Judge: I now call upon the defense to make your opening statements. (They make their statements.) Judge: (to the prosecution) You may now begin to present your witnesses. (Bailiff swears them in using a dictionary. Witnesses present and lawyers cross examine.) Judge: (to the defense) You may now begin to present your witnesses. (Bailiff swears them in using a dictionary. Witnesses present and lawyers cross examine.) (At the end of the trial) Judge: Now that all witnesses have testified and all evidence has been presented, I request the prosecution to make their closing statement. (Do same for defense.) Judge: I now ask for a 5 minute recess so the jury may decide the verdict of guilty or innocent. (Jury leaves the room or goes to the back to deliberate. They write down their verdict on a card which they present when they return.) |
JUDGE 1. If there is too much talking in the courtroom, say "ORDER IN THE COURT" and stamp your gavel. 2. If a point is made by the defense or prosecution and an objection is made, if you agree say "SUSTAINED" and if you disagree say "OVERRULED." 3. If the lawyers disagree, you can say, "APPROACH THE BENCH" and the lawyers will come up to you and argue quietly. You may also call in your legal consultant to assist. 4. if there is a witness who is confused by a question or needs help with answering, say to the lawyer "CAN YOU RESTATE THE QUESTION IN A DIFFERENT WAY?" If that doesn't work, say "THERE WILL BE A 3 MINUTE RECESS" while you consult with your legal consultant.
Created by Karin Burrell-Stinson and Dina Heisler, 4/20/01