- Accessability - Page links to each of your sites
- Table is centered and properly formatted
- There is an accompanying photo that is centered
- Indicates understanding of how to do background colors (has different colors than ones I provided)
Aesthetics- Page is original and creative in its use of images and color.
- Informative - Has text that is meaningful.
- Has images that are meaningful to you.
- Is well organized.
- Links back to home page.
- Lists - uses proper formatting for lists
- Has at least three working links to outside pages
- Links back to home page.
- Clear what/who site is about
- Is well designed
- Has images
- Has text that you wrote.
- Links back to home page
- Has images that mean something to you
- Have own photos
- At least one image has text explaining why its important to you
- Links back to home page