It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the largest alternative educational network which, at present, encompasses 70 unique schools with over 400 site locations serving more than 45,000 students ranging from 2 months to over 21 years of age. In addition, our Adult and Continuing Education Division enrolls over 40,000 students in more than 200 sites. In the 1998-99 school year, approximately 115,000 students received education, employment, guidance and pupil personnel services through our Superintendency.
The Alternative Superintendency has consistently functioned on the creative edge of instructional innovation. Performance based assessment, interdisciplinary instruction, block programming, external internships, family group advisement, intensive professional development activities and school-based governance all have a genesis in the programs and strategies introduced and incubated in alternative schools over the last thirty years.
Each school and program has been designed to meet the unique requirements of targeted student populations. Gifted and talented, drop out, at-risk, Special Education, newly arrived immigrant, incarcerated youth, pregnant and parenting teens, basic literacy and adult learners all have found a school or program receptive to their needs. I invite you to visit our schools and programs to observe, to inquire, to learn, and to share.