In 1847, he married Elizabeth Shaw and
moved first to New York and then the Berkshires.
There he lived near the reclusive writer Nathaniel
Hawthorne, who was to become a close friend and
confidant. In 1851, he completed his masterpiece, Moby-Dick, or the
Whale. Considered by modern scholars to be one of
the great American novels, the book was dismissed by
Melville's contemporaries and he made little money
from the effort.
During the 1850s, Melville supported his family by
farming and writing stories for magazines. He later
traveled to Europe, where he saw his friend
Hawthorne for the last time. During that visit in 1856,
Melville knew that his novel-writing career
was done. In 1857, after returning to New York still
unnoticed by the literary public, he stopped writing
fiction. He became a customs inspector, a job he held
for twenty years. And he began to write poetry.
The Civil War made a deep impression on Melville and
became the principal subject of his verse. With so
many family members participating in various aspects
of the war, Melville found himself intimately connected
to events, and also sought out conflict for himself. He
observed the Senate debating secession during a visit
to Washington D.C. in 1861, and made a remarkable
trip to the front with his brother in 1864. Melville's
first published book of poems was Battle-Pieces and
Aspects of the War (1866), a meditation.To bad Melville's
remains relatively unheard of as a poet.
Herman Melville died of a heart attack on September
28, 1891, at the age of 72.During the week of his death, The New York Times
wrote: "There has died and been buried in this city�a
man who is so little known, even by name, to the
generation now in the vigor of life that only one
newspaper contained an obituary account of him, and
this was but of three or four lines." It wasn't until the
1920s that the literary public began to recognize
Melville as one of America's greatest writers.