Service and Health
Tier 3: Mentoring at the Lab School Elementary School
Brief Description of the Course:
For Cycle 1, students will prepare for their experience as mentors by reading and writing about child development. They will also write about their own experiences in elementary school. Students will learn the communication skills associated with mentoring young children (active listening, conflict resolution, positive reinforcement) and effective reading of children�s stories. At the elementary school, students will do activities focused on literacy and developing a bond with their partners. Students will de-brief and write reflections after each visit.
For cycle 2, students will learn bookmaking skills. They will read children�s stories and study the structure of the stories. Students will make the books and teach their elementary school partners how to make the books. Each pair (elementary school and high school) will create a children�s book together. This book will be crafted and revised based on a rubric distributed to each student. Students will continue to read and write responses to the book How to Talk so Kids Learn by Faber and Mazlisch. Students will de-brief and write reflections after each visit.
For Cycle 3, students will read and write poetry. They will then read the same poems with their elementary school partners and coach them to write their own poetry. Students will also learn to make a book for their poems. For the final exhibition, students must perform one of their poems in front of peers and poets from the community.
For cycle 4, students will learn the skills associated with the descriptive review process (Prospect Institute). The will practice the process in class to improve their descriptive writing skills. The final paper is a description of their elementary school partner.
Target population:
10th and 11th graders (ages 15 � 18)
Goals and Objectives of the coarse:
Students develop self-esteem by bonding with their elementary school partners. Students will help the community being positive role models for their partners. They will also learn skills to help them deal with children.
Alignment to Standards:
(English) Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction
(English) Standard 3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation
(English) Standard 2: Language for Literary Response and Expression
(English )Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding
(Arts) Standard 2: Knowing and Using the Arts Materials and Resources
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Resources and materials to be used:
How to Talk so Kids Learn by Faber and Mazlisch
Prospect Institute
Assessment Measures:
Portfolio roundtables and exhibitions