Service and Health
Tier 4, 1st Semester: Introduction to Psychology
Brief Description:
Using CUNY�s Psychology 11 as a frame work, this course will explore the history, theories and fundamentals in field of psychology. We will also look at the many sub-fields of psychology such as developmental, clinical, social, abnormal, and health. Special attention will be placed on the development of good study skills.
Target Population:
12th graders who have an interest in the fields of Psychology, Education and Health.
Students interested in college-level study.
Goals and Objectives:
To boost confidence in college preparedness
To introduce students to the science and philosophy of psychology
To enhance student�s critical thinking skills
To give students a positive experience with college level work
Major Topics/Themes
The history of the science of psychology
The scientific method
Developmental psychology
Nature vs. nurture
Alignment to Standards
(Health and Physical Education) Standard 1: Personal health and fitness
(Career Development and Occupational Studies) Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
(Career Development and Occupational Studies) Standard 3b: Career Majors - Health services, Human and public services
Resources and Materials
Introduction to Psychology, Myers, David G. Third addition
Psychology Today, Monthly periodical
Scientific American, Monthly periodical
Assessment Measures:
in-class exams, quizzes and a final research paper