Hi, my name is Grace Lorez, welcome to my website. I'm eighteen years old and I'm a senior at University
Heights Highschool. I grew up in The Bronx with my mother and my little sister. My hobbies are reading, going to
the movies, playing playstation. I plan to graduate from school and attend college right after I get out of school so,
I'm not trying to waste time pursuing my career. My career that I wish to pursue is Forsenic. Forsenic Science is
extremely interesting to me because I'm into autopsies and crime scenes, etc. My wise project and my report on the
death penalty on FBI uniform & Forsenic and I suppose to visit the 46th precinct to interview people are willing
to talk if they are not busy. The agents are very busy with all the crime scenes and paper work but I did research on
FBI Uniform crime reports , Law enforcement officers killed and assualted, Deterrence & Murder of Police. To the
statistics from the lastest FBI uniform crime report regions of the country that use the death penalty the least are
the safest for police officers. Police are most in danger in the south which accounts for 80% of all executions (90%
in 2000). If I ever change my mind to be a forsenic pathologist or a FBI agent then I'm thinking being a police
officer. I feel if I change my mind about that then I might join the army reserve. I have my mind planned on what I
want to do in life and I think that's good because there are a lot of teenagers who graduate from school and don't
have no clue what they want to do in life.