School Change Research Pages
Networks of small, democratic schools
evolving in New York and other cities are experienciong the benefits of
independence and experimentation and the challenges of smaller resource
allocation and less access to special services. These readings are an updated
list from LiveText,
an educational index published by the Institute
for Learning Technologies from 1994 to 1997 and edited by Bram
Nation At Risk
(US DOE) See Also other U.S.
Department of Education Publications.
Condition of Education 1996
(US DOE) "A means to report where progress
is being made in education and where it is not, to draw attention to emerging
issues, and to inform the ongoing policy debate."
Department of Education: Studies of Education Reform
(US DOE) A primer to the major issues and
some links to these studies. A tight and quick intro to the topic, and
the studies on line so far are incredibly rich and well-organized. Bookmark
Reform: Table of Contents, an index to up-to-date research by the leaders
of the field. An important place to revisit. See Also Systemic
Reform - Perspectives on Personalizing Education, A bibliography of
online readings by major reform thinkers.
Lessons Learned
(US DOE, 1996) "Written in Collaboration
with 31 Directors of College and University Reform Projects Who Tell What
Worked, What Didn't Work, and Why." 31 Secondary Education reform projects
look at themselves in the mirror.
Schools through Empowerment
(Self Directed Work Teams) An annotated
index page integrating management science and school reform.
of Time
(National Educational Commission on Time
and Learning) "For the past 150 years, American public schools have held
time constant and let learning vary. The rule, only rarely voiced, is simple:
learn what you can in the time we make available." Also available at the
Department of Education.
6/97* ( Thorough reports from the major disciplines
in the physical, social, and biological sciences, with emphasis on their
applications to problems of policy and planning in domestic and foreign
affairs. Rand is the original "think tank" for hire.
of School Change Literature and Practice
(Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)
Three literature reviews/papers analyzing the role of effective leadership
in school change. Useful reading when planning initiatives or offering
professional development to teacher leaders/administrators.
Role of Leadership in Sustaining School Reform: Voices From the Field
(US DOE, July 1996) What do long-term school
reform leaders view as their essential professional competencies? What
do they see as their role in sustaining reform? 30 recognized leaders discuss
and report in a US DOE conference.
Based Reform - Lessons from a National Study
(Quellmalz, Shields, Knapp, 1995, US DOE)
A guide for school reform teams, full of case studies and policy recommendations.
Improvement Research Series
(Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory)
A vast repository of searchable readings and studies on a fully comprehensive
range of topics on school improvement. Not to be missed!
Reform Readings
(Urban Education Web, Teachers College)
Readings focussing on change initiatives in urban school settings.
School Change Resources & News
Report Card News Service
6/97* (Youth Net) Archive of this very well organized and
informative listserv posting Daily blurbs of a range of school reform news
Management: ERIC Clearinghouse
(University of Oregon) Index page to ERIC
digests and other related resources on the topic.
Clearinghouse on Urban Education
(Teachers College) "The Urban Education
Web is dedicated to urban students, their families, and the educators who
serve them. UEweb offers manuals, brief articles, annotated bibliographies,
reviews and summaries of outstanding publications, and conference announcements
in urban education."
( Exploring the challenges
of middle grades reform, with a special focus on urban middle schools.
Forum, Center for Education Reform
( CER's Op-Ed Forum "provides
opinion editorials, essays, commentaries and analyses from education activists
around the country."
to School Improvement
(NCREL) A beautifully designed presentation
of original documents and established authors on school reform. Browse
additions, and check out the bibliographies on School
Restructuring and Governance.