7th Grade Computer Skills
Instructor: Renee Dryg
[email protected]
Course Description:
This class gives you the opportunity to obtain valuable educational skills.
You will learn how to type. You will become familiar with several software applications
including Microsoft Office, and Dreamweaver. While the main objective of the
course is to develop these computer skills, the content of your projects will
come from Academic and Art assignments. You will develop online Projects, Presentations,
and Portfolios.
Course Goals:
This class will give you computer skills in four areas:
1. Word processing: typing and formatting documents
2. Data processing with spreadsheets: tables, graphs, and algebra
3. Digital presentation: Powerpoint slideshows, Photoshop, and iMovie
4. Web page design: your Final Project will be a Website of your class work
Grading Policy:
Your grade in this class will be calculated from the completed assignments
that are put into the Hand In folder located in your user account.
You may choose to print some assignments to turn in to your teachers but those
papers will not be used for grading in this class. All work must be handed in
through the computer.
Class Participation: Positive attitude, respect for others, prepared to
work, on time 40%
3 tardies= one days participation score subtracted
Project Completion: Assignments demonstrate effort and fulfill required description
4=A complete& correct, 3=B complete & mostly correct,
2=C complete but incorrect, 1=D incomplete & incorrect, 0= F minimal work
Homework: Must be completed on time, class time will be made available when
possible 10%
Tests and quizzes: 10%
Full participation credit requires that you bring these items to class daily.
Pen, blue or black only(no pencils in the lab)
Student Planner
NO | YES |
Failure to follow these procedures will result in a suspension of your computer privileges, and in turn affect your course grade.
Keep this top part in your binder for you
Return this bottom part to me
I have read and understand the above class requirements and expectations.
X _______________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian:
X _______________________________________________________
Contact number:
X ______________________________________________________