American Dialect Society - words of the year, etc. of an entertaining and useful nature: dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, and of other languages, or dialects of other languages, influencing it or influenced by it. ( Added: 2002-02-07, Hits: 77,
Exploratorium Magazine Online, the Evolu - origins and development of language. There are audio clips by a linguist about how language is studied and classified. You can see how words from different languages are related. Be sure to investigate the "Try This" sections for interesting act ( Added: 2002-01-29, Hits: 71,
Online Etymology Dictionary - A better collection than most, but with short descriptions ( Added: 2001-12-28, Hits: 106,
Online Slang Dictionary - This dictionary has been written as tastefully as possible, but some language might be offensive to some readers. ( Added: 2001-12-28, Hits: 115,
Origin of Some Commonly-Used Words - A short introduction to the history of words like Jeans, Posh and Sandwich�. ( Added: 2001-12-28, Hits: 80,
Origin of Some Not-So-Commonly-Used Word - A short introduction to the history of words like Thug and Boycott. ( Added: 2001-12-28, Hits: 74,
The Pun Faqtory - the unofficial FAQ (Frequently Askewed Questions) listing of the alt.humor.puns UseNet newsgroup. It is intended to be a reference to the most commonly asked questions and basic information about the Art of the Pun.
( Added: 2002-03-04, Hits: 71,