Freedom Academy Forensics
Freedom Academy Forensics (FAF), a program of Freedom Academy High School, offers a wide variety of speech and debate activities for its body. FAF includes:
Moot Court: a simulation and argument based activity where students prepare arguments for court cases.
Policy Debate: a team cross examination style of debate. Students research a year long topic and propose policy options within the topic, which are evaluated.
Mock Trial: a research and simulation based activity where students assume the roles on one side of a trial and are judged by legal professionals on their performance
Model U.N.: A student simulation of U.N. Regional and Security Council activities, including the passing of resolutions.
Student Congress: a speech activity where students present their ideas for U.S. Legislation, and evaluate the merits of bills through cross examination and rebuttals, according to parliamentary procedure.
Lincoln Douglas Debate: a three person team values debate sponsored by Chase Manhattan Bank. Next year, FAF will expand to the individual version of this debate, which topics change every month.