In 1983, Offsite Educational Services was born from the special needs of students in substance abuse treatment centers. During the last 20 years, we have continued to address the changing needs of students in New York City. Today, we provide another chance for 2,200 students to succeed academically in day and residential substance abuse treatment centers as well as in community based organizations and public housing developments. We also provide alternative classes within comprehensive high schools for students who have failed during their freshman year. These students return to regular high school classes after completing our program. The population and locations of our program reflect the continuing needs of at-risk students in our city.

Our program still serves young adults who are recovering from substance abuse, and now our population also includes pregnant and parenting young mothers, babies and toddlers in our daycare centers, adolescents in group homes, court-mandated youth and students who have returned to school after long absences. The typical OES student has a history of poor attendance and limited credits toward high school completion. Many of our students have found large, comprehensive high schools impersonal, intimidating and overwhelming; they were unable to function in such settings and simply needed smaller and more flexible settings.