Course: Literature, Media and Society
Teacher: Christine Bernard
Time: C Slot, Fall 1997
Subject Areas: English & Social Studies
Course Introduction: In this course, students will be examining education and the family. What can be learned from the ways society is portrayed in poems, short stories, novels, essays, articles, television, film, and music? How is reading, writing, talking, listening, thinking, acting, and viewing used to explore these ideas and perspectives in our Society? Some of the concepts that will be focused on will be: Race, Class and Gender roles/ differences and Family relationships (eg.mother/daughter, father/son).
Essential Questions: (The critical questions we'll be
addressing throughout the course.
What is education?How is it usually defined and accomplished?
What roles do family members, friends, teachers and other resources play in
When looking at education from a broader perspective, what stereotypes are encountered?
What is perception, reality and truth in our society?
Course Themes:
The Promise of Education (Three -four weeks)
Students will brainstorm to answer the following questions, "What is education
and what does it mean to you?" They will address the notions of formal and informal
education, and continually add to this list throughout the semester as we read
texts and analyze language and the meanings in reference to education, the family
and society. The students will read Howard Gardner's theory on Mutiple Intelligences
and create educational autobiographies. These autobiographies will first start
out as an outline of evaluation and reflection; what aspects of these eight
intelligences: Musical, Logical/mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal,
Bodily/kinesthetic, Linguistic, Spatial, and Naturalist, do they feel apply
to them. Once they've established their areas, they will develop the autobiographies
in the manners that apply to their intelligences, eg. writing essays, creative
stories, a speech or presentation, a diary entry, a performance, etc. We will
work on and add to this throughout semester because it will be the introduction
to their portfolio.
* Excerpts from Savage Inequalities, Diary of Latoya Hunter, Sugar Cane Alley,
"The Gryphon"
*Videos: Stand and Deliver, Unequal Education, Black Shack Alley
Race, Class and Gender roles and differences (Three
In this section they will be studying oppression and isolation; the notion of
dominant and target groups. Students will be defining and documenting race,
class and gender based on how we individually view them and how society defines
them? How do these perspectives differ? How are they inter-related? How does
this trilogy of oppression affect our education? How does it manifest itself?
What is miseducation? How has society been affected by this? What repercussions
have there been and will there be for ?
The students will be looking at the Civil Rights movement, the Feminist movements
and various Class movements. They will write essays to compare and contrast
each from an educational perspective, and discuss how or if changes have been
made in education between "then and now". To look at history as a continuum,
they will discuss the time period surrounding slavery and the suffragist�s movement
in the U.S. and discuss how this built up to the movements in the 1960's and
1970's. Students will recreate scenes from these time periods in their artwork
and through performance.
They will also have panel discussions in the form of various talk shows on sub-categories
of their choices, as well as working onthe creation of their own mini-sitcoms
and soap operas. We will be analyzing how the media handles race, class and
gender. What issues are debunked or perpetuated? How will the students choose
to present them?
* Poems, Shorts stories and Excerpts from Pedagogy of the
Oppressed , "Ragazza" "She Proves the Inconsistency of the Desires...", "The
Stolen Party", "On the Subway", "Richard Cory", "Theme for English B"
*Video- Eyes on the Prize
Family (Two weeks)
The students will be evaluating what roles the family plays in education. They
will be comparing their roles in informal and formal education. They will start
with written reflections from the earliest memories of their first teachers,
the earliest memories of learning and how their family played a part in these
experiences, and move to how these experiences and relationships have changed
as the students approached adulthood. What types of reinforcement, support,
habits, routines, skills and knowledge were encouraged? This will also be shown
through student role playing.
*Short stories - "I Stand Here Ironing", "Another Evening at the Club"
Stereotypes (Evaluated throughout
the course)
The class will brainstorm stereotypes to gauge what they themselves have been
exposed to, and they will be reading and writing about new ones theye�ve discovered
through their research. They will be looking in history to examine how these
stereotypes came about and to see how much falsity and/or truth are behind them.
They will look at literature and the media to examine how these stereotypes
have manifested themselves as part of our culture and societal norms. Through
this process, they will be studying alienation. How have these steretypes been
used to alienate certain cultures, genders and classes? How have these stereotypes
affected education? *Excerpts from Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies and Bucks,
"Los Vendidos", "The Test", The Dutchman
Language: Verbal and Non-verbal
communication (Two weeks)
The students will be looking at the spoken and written word, as well as body
language. What does this mean for education? How are words and movements manipulated
to get a message across? What are the intended messages? How do they perceive
them? How do they respond to them? They will be studying the different nuances
of verbal language such as tone, pitch, emotion, inflection, word choice and
balance and how these differ among men and womyn and how these are transmitted
into the written word.
Voices: silenced and heard (Three
In this section they will be studying issues of repression and supression, and
how the voices of target groups have fought to be heard. This section in particular
will be centered around testimonies.
* Excerpts from Woman Hollering Creek, Voices of the Self, "Petals of Silence"
Reading List- Short stories, poetry, essays and excerpts from the following:
Literature Across Cultures | Watchers and Seekers |
Making Face, Making Soul | Multiple Intelligences |
Puerto Rican Writers at Home in the USA | Perceptive Listening |
Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies and Bucks | Language, The Social Act |
Videos: School Daze, A Soldier's Story, West Side Story, Imitation of Life, Los Tres Caballeros... Other videos will be announced and negotiated as we go along.
Throughout the course, students will be keeping a reflection journal which will
be divided into four sections: Language, Observations, Reader responses and
free writes. Each student will be doing exercises in evaluating and reflecting
on their own use of language; studying how a child learns and uses language,
and how the media uses language. Each student will also keep an observation
log in which they will record information from studying each other within the
classroom space, observing different people in particular environments, and
watching selected videos. In the reader response section, students will document
their interpretations, feelings, any questions, confusions or comments they
have in reference to the texts they�ll be reading. They will also work on becoming
comfortable with their writing by practicing flow writing in the fourth section,
free writes. In addition to creating their own short stories and poems, they
will be doing interviews, case studies, group work and individual reflections.
Assessment- The portfolio will involve final presentations, publications, and/or panel discussions that synthesize some of the essential questions that are raised by the course and the students