Queens - Satellite Academy High School
Bob Fisher

Course Outline Fall 1999

1. What is food?
2. How does metabolism work?
3. How is food like fuel?
4. What food gives energy?
5. What food gives mass and maintenance?
6. What is the food pyramid?
7. LAB: Testing for nutrients

II. Digestive System
1. What happens in the mouth?
2. How does the stomach process food?
3. How do enzymes work?
4. How does food become blood?
5. What are functions of the liver?
6. What happens in the lower intestine?

III. Support and Movement
1. What determines body shape?
2. How do bones provide support?
3. How do bones repair themselves?
4. How are bones joined?
5. How do muscles move bones?
6. LAB: Dissecting a chicken leg
7. How are heart and smooth muscle different?

IV Respiration
1. How is air used?
2. What happens in the lungs?
3. LAB: Making a lung model
4. How do cells process energy?
V. Circulation
1. What is circulation?
2. How does the heart work?
3. LAB: Measuring heartbeat
4. What are blood vessels?
5. What is blood?
6. How is blood cleaned?
7. How does the body repair damage?
8. What is immunity?
9. What are blood types?

VI. Control and Sensation
1. What are nerves?
2. How do nerves communicate?
3. What is the autonomic nervous system?
4. What is the motor cortex?
5. What are senses?
6. How do eyes work?
7. How do we hear?
8. How do we maintain balance?
9. How do we feel?
10. What does the brain do?

VII. Endocrine System
1. What are hormones?
2. How do glands work?
3. How do glands respond to the environment?
4. What are body clocks?

VII. Reproduction
1. What is DNA
2. How do genes work?
3. What is mitosis?
4. What is meiosis?
5. How are eggs and sperm made?
6. What is puberty?
7. What is fertilization?
8. What is the embryo?
9. How does genetics determine the body plan?
10. What is the fetus?
11. What happens at birth?

IX New Technologies
1. What is genetic engineering?
2. What is cloning?
3. What is the Human Genome Project?
4. How do you "design" a baby?
5. Can we increase life span?
6. What are some ethical issues?

An exploration of how animals carry out internal processes and maintain control, respond to changing conditions in the environment and effectively set the stage for future generations.

This course is a middle level, core Science class for Satellite students - general and resource room. Students must complete their first semester, Urban Environment course prior to taking this course. It expands upon the skills introduced in the Urban Environment course.


  • To read critically and describe accurately technical information, both orally and in writing.
  • To work cooperatively and responsibly in small groups
  • To observe, measure and describe dynamic processes with logic and precision
  • To accurately follow the steps in experiments, notate data clearly and form conclusions without preconceptions or bias
  • To be able to compare, contrast and generalize: e.g. How is respiration different in a cockroach and a human? How is it similar?
  • To question authority, particularly if a statement contradicts the evidence


  • Body systems: structure and functions
  • Zoology/Comparative physiology
  • Ethology/human behavior
  • Phylogenic evolution
  • Genetics
  • Reproduction technology

    This course aligns to the Science standard number 4 - The Living Environment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

  • Living things are both similar to and different from each other
  • Organisms inherit genetic information
  • The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development
  • Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life
  • Human decisions and activities have had and will have a profound impact on the health and future of humankind

    As science is a constantly changing human enterprise, new materials will be added and old deleted when the situation warrants. I can provide a list of "core" materials – texts, videos, software and visual aids upon request. Some include:
    The Human Body Explained- text
    Human Physiology - text
    Science Insights, Exploring Living Things - text
    Life Science - text
    Biology - Living Systems - text
    Pathways in Biology - text
    Biology an Everyday Experience - text
    175 Science Experiments to amuse and amaze your friends- text
    A.D.A.M. - CD Rom
    The Miracle of Life - video


  • Completing class worksheets
  • Completing homework assignments in a timely manner
  • Taking periodic tests
  • Using scientific terminology in an appropriate context
  • Behaving respectfully and cooperatively
    Attendance and punctuality
    Writing three reports on topical issues with accuracy and succinctness
    Observe strict safety procedures when performing classroom experiments