The mission of the Library at
Edward A. Reynolds West Side High School is to provide access
to resources and information for all students and staff
and to encourage a spirit of inquiry and positive attitudes
for life-long learning. By offering a comfortable environment
where print and technological resources can be explored
the Library fosters literacy and critical thinking skills.
It is the goal of the Librarian to maintain a collection
relevant to the curriculum and to provide guidance in accessing,
locating, and using information in a productive manner.
Mary D'Amour , Librarian
Library Hours 8:30 t0 2:40 Daily
Open at Lunch time every day except Wednesdays
Open after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:45 to
Students and staff are encouraged
to borrow books from the circulating collection and to use
the computers and reference sources in the Library. Individual
Students must have passes to use the Library during regular
class periods. Teachers should schedule class or group visits
with Mary.
Two of our favorite Internet sites:
New York Public Library where you can access their catalog
and extensive electronic resources for free with a Library
Web'nLearning sites Library. This is a site that collects
and evaluates web sites for students and educators and organizes
them by content for easy access.