Webquest: We all know these persons are heroes...
But do these folks look like heroes to you?
n, pl heroes 1 a: a
mythological or legendary figure, often endowed with great strength or ability b:
an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievement and noble
qualities d: one that shows great courage
heroic adj
1:resembling heroes, esp. of antiquity 2:a� exhibiting or marked by courage and daring b
supremely noble or self-sacrificing 3: of impressive size, power,
extent, or effect
worship n 1:
veneration of a hero 2: foolish or excessive adulation of an individual
(Merriam Webster�s Collegiate Dictionary,
Tenth Edition, � copyright 1994,
Merriam-Webster, Inc.)
�Hey, guy!� You�re my hero!�
The word hero has become so common that TV sportscasters say this at almost every game when they refer to a superior athlete.� In fact, we often hear somebody on the streets call a friend or acquaintance his or her �hero.�
Ever since we were children, we have been told about heroes.� Ever since September 11, 2001, the newspapers have shown us pictures of heroic police, firefighters, rescue workers and victims at the tragic World Trade Center crisis.� We have learned about other heroes from the TV and newspapers.� They come from the worlds of history, sports, politics, science, and perhaps the movies.� Many feel that only special historical events create heroes.
However, some say that these definitions of heroes
are false, and nothing but �hero-worship� as defined in
definition 2, above.� They say
that true heroism, the act of being a hero, is what so-called
�everyday people� do every day and night, all over the world.� They say true heroism is
really people�s actions and decisions, some little, some big.� They say it never gets on TV and into
newspapers.� They sing of unsung
Task:� We
will investigate, compare and contrast these different concepts of �hero,
heroism and hero-worship.�
Purpose:� Adult learners will compare and contrast �mainstream media�-disseminated images of heroes and heroism with images of heroes and heroism arising from the daily lives of the learners and others in their community.�
Process:� DRTAs (Directed Reading/Writing/Thinking Activities)�
Strategy:� KWL (What I Know, What I Want or Need to Know, What I Learned).
� Pre-activity:��� Whole group brainstorms and mind-maps the concept, �Hero.�� Facilitator can spur discussion with pointed questions such as, �A firefighter at the WTC senses the imminent collapse, dumps his/her gear and runs out at the last moment.� Is s/he a hero?�� Learners develop a rubric of qualities defining heroes/heroism.
The learners are directed to select one or more articles each from the Internet.� These
Resources will be articles, poems, graphics, songs, which evoke widely varying �hero models.��� Post-reading activities (possibly more writing, discussion and/or loosely-structured debate)will lead to learners� interviewing local people and creating
Product:� Writing pieces describing heroism in their own communities.
Evaluation:� Judging of a writing contest by learners, facilitator and perhaps others in community.� Rubric determined by all participants.� Winning pieces will be published on class web page.� Will culminate in prizes (group and individual).� Possibilities:� field trip to Schomberg Library, movie tickets of winner�s choice..
Length of Webquest:� Three to four weeks.