* Students attend school with only those students who have experienced
being retained in eighth grade. This allows for fewer adverse peer pressures
and motivational distractions.
* Students who develop a true readiness-to-learn on standard academic
and social levels use New York Citys cultural and educational
resources as part of their campus and curriculum to portfolio highly
competitive research projects. I.e. Museum of Natural History for science,
National Black Theatre in Harlem for English Language Arts exposure,
host and visit contemporary authors and interact with bilingual organizations
including "Espirte", business leaders, government agencies
including the NYS Legislators Office in the NYC Mayor Mike Bloombergs
Office and leaders including the Bronx Borough President Carrions
Office, and chambers of commerce Greater NY Chamber of Commerce (GNYCC)
and the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)
for workforce information and summer employment
* Students also communicate with other students across the nation including
the King Middle School in Dorchester Massachusetts to investigate their
peers abilities to approach educational mandates like Goals 2000,
the current Bush administrations HR1 Bill also know as the "Leave
No Child Left Behind" legislation etc. as new American educational
performance standards. Students also are encouraged to comment on their
current attitudes about the pressures and if possible ways for developing
a new culture which will make lifelong learning fun, practical and more
relevant to their daily lives and futures.