Project #1: In dreamweaver, write a short essay describing your life in ten years. Create a title in photoshop and insert a little picture or picture2 or lots of links for each category. Include the following

  1. Job
  2. Location
  3. Type of home (apartment, house, etc)
  4. Family (married, kids, single)
  5. Interests Pursued
  6. Other
Here's John Doe's life in ten.


Create a dreamweaver page describing what you learned about your chosen career. Create a 9 x 1 table.

First create a water background in photoshop. Save it for the Web. Call it water.gif or water.jpeg.

Next, in dreamweaver goto Modify Page Properties and apply the water background. Call the page my career. Insert a table that has 10 rows and 1 column. Select your own border.

Row 1: Create My Career in photoshop and insert it.

Row 2: Take this career quiz and write about the results. Title it Work Interest Quiz.

Row 3: Take this career quiz and write about the results. Title it Perfect Career Quiz.

Row 4: Read Where The Jobs Are article. In Row 5 write a paragraph or two describing the jobs of the future. Explain which areas (if any) interest you and why it might be a good idea to pursue a career in one of the given categories.Call it Where Jobs Are.

Row 5: Goto Career Cruising.The User name is nycareers and the password is transitions. As soon as you log in, click on the career matchmaker and take the career matchmaker session. Write a paragraph or two in Row 6 describing the results. Call it matchmaker.

Row 6: Have a look at these jobs. Or check out these jobs. Read these Q&A's Write a paragraph or two in describing the jobs you found interesting. Call it Available Jobs.

Row 7:Go back to Career Cruising.The User name is nycareers and the password is transitions. As soon as you log in, click on the Explore Careers and read about the career(s) of your choice. Write your results in Row 8. Call it Career Cruising.

Row 8: Also goto the Occupational Handbook. Read about careers interests and choices. Write a paragraph or two in Row 9 describing the career(s) you wish to have. Title it Occupational Handbook.

Row 9:

Explore all these links and continue researching your career choices. Complete the following questions in Row 10 and call it Conclusion.

  1. The job I plan to have is ___
  2. The education I need to get this job is _______
  3. I will be working at this job in ______years.


Now that you have researched your career, it is time to plan your education/training needed for the job.

College Students - Find out about colleges and select 3 college you wish to go to. Get some tips on college lingo here. More about schools. Try the college office.

Military Students - Look here to start.

Training Students - Look here to start.

Civil Service - Look here to start.

Check out this site to learn about school locations. Call it Education Directory.

In dreamweaver, create a page describing your education. Include the following

  1. Date of graduation from West Side
  2. Where and when (if any) you will get your education.
  3. Describe your chosen education in detail (name of institution, location, living arrangements, means of paying, etc.)
  4. Date of graduation.


Find 3 ads for an entry level job in the location you will be willing to live. Look here. Or aoljobs. Have a look at these usajobs. Or check out Americanjobs.coms. Look at career city. Try bestjobsusa. Look at Try Look at

Create a Dreamweaver page using a 4x1 table with a header in row 1 and each ad in a new row.

  1. Copy and paste the ads you found for the job.
  2. Include the salary.
  3. Include the location.


Create a page in dreamweaver that links in ten years, my career, my education, and my first job. Put the information in a 5 x 1 table. In photoshop, create a fire text header. Here is an example. Have a look at students' work!