Fri 19th Dec 2003 11:13 [Home] [Suggest a Category] [Suggest a Link] [Top links] [Admin]
  • Mudcat Caf� Music Foundation, - ...a site for older students that allows keyword and title searching to over 6000 folk songs and includes midi files for some of them ( Added: 2002-02-16, Hits: 34, )
  • Shanties and Sea Songs - the work songs that were used on the square-rigged ships of the Age of Sail. Their rhythms coordinated the efforts of many sailors hauling on lines. Much loved by modern sailors and folk musicians, they are rarely used as work songs today. This is because ( Added: 2002-02-16, Hits: 25, )
  • Woody Guthrie and the Archive of America - highlights letters between Woody Guthrie and staff of the Archive of American Folk Song...His written and, occasionally, illustrated reflections on his past, his art, his life in New York City, and the looming Second World War provide unique insight into ( Added: 2002-01-29, Hits: 34, )