21st Century Problem Solving - Reliable problem solving in all subjects that use mathematics for problem solving. Algebra, Physics, Chemistry... from grade school to grad school and beyond. ( Added: 2002-01-11, Hits: 95,
Ask Dr. Math - A forum where K-12 math students can receive on-line consultation from ’Math Doctors’ (mathematics graduate students at Swarthmore College). Answers are archived by grade level ( Added: 2002-01-11, Hits: 108,
calculator.com - popular online calculators including: Standard, Fractions, Scientific, Graphing, Percent, Mortgage, Loan, Lease, Currency,
Time ( Added: 2003-05-23, Hits: 20,
DASL - DASL (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that wil ( Added: 2002-01-29, Hits: 56,
ExploreMath - Highly interactive math activities for students and educators...to help students visualize and explore a spectrum of major mathematical concepts, from elementary algebra through pre-calculus. ( Added: 2002-01-31, Hits: 98,
Figure This! - Figure This! Mathematics Challenges for Families provides interesting math challenges Algebra,Geometry, Measurement,
Number,Statistics and Probability
( Added: 2002-01-17, Hits: 70,
GetSmarter.org - animated, interactive testing and learning site like no other. ( Added: 2002-01-17, Hits: 72,
hotmath.com - free solutions for actual math homework problems in many popular textbooks ( Added: 2002-11-22, Hits: 40,
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and P - An adventure in Maths! Fun, interesting and helpful. ( Added: 2002-01-14, Hits: 62,
Math Forum - Combined archive and directory of mathematical web sites, mailing lists, newsgroups, and teaching materials. ( Added: 2001-11-19, Hits: 75,
Math Goodies - a free educational web site featuring interactive math lessons, homework help, worksheets, puzzles, forums, and more! ...over 400 pages of free math activities and resources for students, teachers, and parents. ( Added: 2002-01-14, Hits: 86,
NCTM Illuminations - designed to illuminate the new vision for school mathematics presented in NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Pre-K - 2 | 3 - 5 | 6 - 8 | 9 - 12 | Across the Grades | i-Math Investigations
Student i-Math Investigations | Inquir ( Added: 2003-01-27, Hits: 25,
PLANETii - The first K-8 web-based intelligent math practice engine that helps children develop solid math foundation. More than 35,000 hihg-quality math questions with interactive, animated or static visual aids. ( Added: 2002-06-11, Hits: 153,
Skillswise - numeracy help... ’In the news’
quizzes...’Your stories’ ( Added: 2003-06-09, Hits: 8,
The ExplorerTM - a collection of educational resources (instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans, student created materials ...) for K-12 mathematics and science education. You may browse through mathematics and science education curricula (we plan to expand t ( Added: 2002-02-16, Hits: 55,
Virtual Mathematics Academy - Virtual Mathematics Academy supports you from initial understanding of Principles and Standards through implementing change in your classroom. A Define, Explore, Plan, and Implement framework along with resources, activities, video, and discussion will su ( Added: 2002-01-30, Hits: 63,
Web Math - A must for math teachers. In addition to the usual links, textual and pictorial information found on educational web sites, Web Math offers students a chance to do math on its site. Further, students can view movies about mathematical concepts, link to on ( Added: 2002-01-16, Hits: 75,